
Top SEO Myths Busted

Published on February 5, 2021
Top SEO Myths Busted

Myths can be found everywhere and it definitely has an influence, no matter whether it is believed or not. Even in the present scenario, the misinterpretation tends to control some of our thoughts and actions even without our consent. As a vast domain, SEO consists of many myths that keep you away from digital marketing goals HubSpot Marketing automation has revolutionized the industry over the last decade. Since its inception in 2006, it has now developed into a comprehensive digital tool to help businesses across sizes and industries grow their customer base.

Nowadays, lots of such myths come into being and lead to confusion. Believing and following such myths will cause a decline in the success rate of SEO strategy implementation, no matter what range of efforts have been taken.

Let’s Discuss 10 SEO Myths That Should Be Ignored.

1. SEO Is a One-Time Investment

one-time investment

One of the important and common misconceptions regarding SEO is that it needs to be used once. SEO is an ongoing procedure and needs continuous attention. Those who visit the website require new content,  not the same furthermore. Google always makes an effort to update algorithms for accessing and ranking the websites. Existing contents will no longer be required for the value of websites. So SEO is not a one-time action, but a continuous process. Here old saying seems to be truly lasting results require continuous efforts and SEO isn’t different here.

2. Content is everything

Content is everything

This phrase is very common in the digital marketing world. It’s true that content is one of the prime important things, but not the single essential factor. Content and links are the interdependent factors in SEO and can’t exist without the other.

New, highly valuable, and high-quality content is essential for better ranking but is not the only factor required for you to rank higher. So, it is a  misconception to think that content is the only king. Of course, content is very important, the mistake is content is the only important factor. 

3. Google Prefers Only Fresh and Updated Content

updated content

Another myth that exists in SEO is that only fresh content is required for better ranking. The freshness of content is needed but should be influenced by the grade of the content. Customers look for updated content, but it doesn’t mean freshness is the single factor to rely on. The prime factor is the quality of the content along with updated information.

4. A Large Number of Keywords Results in Better Ranking

Results in Better RankingIt is one of the common misconceptions in SEO that rank will be better if more keywords are used. Google never encourages keyword stuffing and it will never offer priority only because of the high usage of keywords.

The keywords that are used should be right and of high relevance, it’s not about the number of keywords, but how naturally you added on the webpage to make the page more understandable for users and search engine.

Keywords are the pillars for all SEO strategies, the preference is given to the value and the usage of the high volume of keywords will never improve the rankings.

5. SEO Is Dead

SEO is dead

One of the major myths existing for a long time is that SEO is dead. I agree that for some people SEO is dead because they are still using old SEO strategies for ranking their website.

But the truth is SEO is not dead but continuously evolving and will continue to evolve as long as search engines exist, so for those who have embraced the change and mastered the skills to rank their on Google reaping the benefits of it.

In this digital age without SEO, websites will be unable to reach people, effective SEO strategies are crucial for any website to rank higher. SEO is reflecting changes with time and thus there is no logic to say SEO is dead. Instead, we need to prepare ourselves for new challenges that come along the path.

6. A Large Number of Links Will Lead to Better Ranking

Lead to Better Ranking

Link building is an important strategy used in digital marketing but there exists a myth that the number of links improves ranking. In fact, not the quantity but the quality of the links matters. Bad links or broken links contribute nothing to SEO efforts.

7. Duplicate Content Will Be Penalized

Duplicate Content Will Be Penalized

It is a long time myth that Google will penalize the site for duplicate content but it is not so. If the same content appears on several pages, Google refuses to provide the same ranking to both. Google always tries to keep up with distinctive search results and thus, duplicate content

will affect ranking. The similarities in content which is termed duplicate content will confuse the people and will act on traffic losses for sight owners.



The moment this algorithm was added to Google’s core algorithm program, everyone started talking about it, and the SEO industry is filled with lots of myths and few facts about it.

The very prevalent myth about RankBrain is that it is a natural language processor, but it isn’t. We can say that combining NLP may be its ultimate goal now it is not a part of it.

Rankbrain is a simple machine-learning algorithm that tries to understand what the user means when Google is not sure. It uses entity match and known relationships to understand the meaning/intent of the user queries.

9. Social Media Can Do Nothing for Ranking

Nothing for Ranking

Social media has a huge impact on driving traffic to your website even indirectly. Social media engagements may not be helpful for link building but they will definitely improve your credibility and trust in your brand. High chances of interactions are possible with social media and thus it influences marketing. But this is not an element that affects your ranking directly, even though it can boost your traffic in a good manner.

10. SEO Is a Scam

SEO Is a Scam

SEO is a well structured and systematic approach that allows a website to attain a better rank. Some people think that it is a SCAM Just because of fake promises by few agencies who offer tremendous hikes within a small span of time.

SEO can upgrade traffic volume and thereby ranking not immediately but with regular execution of strategies. This should not be misconceived as SCAM.

11. Google Helps Rectify Your Chaos

Your Chaos

It is not a surprise that people believe in such misguided knowledge. They do believe Google will assist you to sort out the confusion occurring on your website. Google’s approach to a website completely depends on the algorithm and search crawlers.

It is such foolishness to believe Google will clear out the ambiguities regarding the broken or confused URLs, low-quality content, discrepancies in tags and descriptions, or any other kind of mismatch present in a website. It is evident that working for Google on a website is closely similar to the approach of humans analyzing a website. 


As long as SEO strategies actively present in the world of digital marketing, myths will also be there revolving around these strategies. It will lead everyone to a wrong destination and will keep them away from their goals if they blindly believe in those misconceptions.

Sticking on those myths will degrade the output of SEO strategies. SEO is neither dead nor magic, but it is still alive and for achieving optimal results you have to learn and understand the ins and out of it.

So the gradual implementation of effective SEO strategies is essential for the growth of the website and thereby the business. Do not hesitate to neglect all such myths. So we will be capable of distinguishing these myths from the facts

Hi, I am Brack Nelson

I have good SEO experience while working with different companies and clients on a long term basis, currently, I am working as a marketing manager at Incrementors web solutions. I enjoy creating and implementing new marketing strategies as well as utilizing social media. Apart from that, I love to spend time with childrens and books that’s what makes me feel alive.

About author

Jeff Walker is an entrepreneur, author, and business coach who specializes in helping people launch and scale their own businesses. He is the author of the best-selling book, Launch: An Internet Millionaire's Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online, Build A Business You Love, and Live The Life Of Your Dreams. Jeff is passionate about helping others achieve success and has been featured in numerous media
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