Are you in need of a criminal lawyer in Kitchener but do not know where to start? In the following article we will outline six major qualities that will define a successful and competent criminal lawyer, which will aid in your search for the best legal defense in Kitchener. The first quality that is essential for a successful criminal lawyer is problem solving skills. A complex case will be accompanied by a variety of factors that are not easy to maneuver through mentally. This means a criminal lawyer must exercise problem solving abilities to find inconsistencies, key details and key witnesses to begin constructing a concrete defense.
A second important quality is critical reading skills. This may seem obvious, however minor details can turn into win or lose scenarios. For example, have you ever heard of the million-dollar comma? A corporate lawyer after reading a business merger contract failed to notice a new comma between expensive items, in which the comma represented a million-dollar difference for the client. Indeed, critical reading where minor details are especially noticed by a criminal lawyer is crucial. A third skill needed by criminal lawyers is writing ability. Again, this may seem obvious but there is a deeper meaning behind just simple writing capability.
Legal writing is especially challenging for highly complex cases involving a number of diverse factors. A criminal lawyer must be able to concisely write the entirety of the case and find a number of legal defenses within to properly defend their client. In addition, during cross-examination and closing statements a criminal lawyer in Kitchener must be able to write persuasively and critically to persuade the judge and jury while formulating the correct questions to ask the victim (to find flaws in the victim’s testimony, if any).
A fourth skill is oral communication. Suppose you hire a criminal lawyer who is an expert on the previous three skills but lacks confident oral communication ability. Now suppose the case is balancing between guilty and not guilty and the only major factor to push the jury to one side is superb persuasion capability. Do you think a criminal lawyer who lacks oral confidence will persuade the jury? Likely not. Competent oral communication comes down to tone, loudness, timing and eye contact. Raising and lowering the volume to emphasize key features, using a specific tone to address a lying witness and direct eye contact with each juror to deliver a piercing persuasive speech, all while saying the right words at the right time.
A criminal lawyer in Kitchener who can master these communication elements will be more successful in court. A fifth skill is diligent research and investigative capability. A case being presented to a criminal lawyer in Kitchener must be complimented with in-depth legal research to find areas of the law that are intertwined in the facts of the case and can be applied in court to deliver a strong defense.
In addition, street-smart investigative skills are crucial to enable a criminal lawyer to uncover various motives of the individual’s involved and detect if some individuals involved are lying or telling the truth. The final skill is organization. A criminal lawyer in Kitchener who is organized and timely will dominate lawyers who lack these skills in court, almost every time, therefore make sure your lawyer exhibits strong organization capacity.