If you are pre- or post-menopausal and are experiencing abnormal vaginal bleeding, you may have endometrial polyps. The likelihood of developing these polyps seems to increase with age and risk factors for developing them include Tamoxifen, which is used to treat breast pump, hormone replacement therapy, hypertension, and obesity. Today we’re sharing a procedure to remove these uterine polyps – polypectomy in Scottsdale.
Endometrial polyps are sometimes discovered in women who are not experiencing any symptoms at all. They may be revealed on a pelvic ultrasound examination or even as an incidental finding on a CT scan of the pelvis, which is being performed for entirely different problems such as hip pain.
The precise diagnosis of an endometrial polyp can only be made by removing it and having it examined by a pathologist. Occasionally a polyp resembles a uterine fibroid, so they can easily be confused with one another on ultrasound and hysteroscopy.
What are endometrial polyps?
The uterus contains two types of tissue – the endometrium (lining tissue) and the myometrium (muscle tissue). The endometrium covers the inside of the uterus, and both types of tissue can develop benign and malignant tumors. Luckily, in both cases, benign tumors are much more common.
When the endometrium forms an overgrowth (tumor) of cells, it forms a finger-shaped protuberance called an endometrial polyp. While they are generally benign, they occasionally contain either malignant or premalignant cells, which is called endometrial hyperplasia.
Because of the potential for polyps to contain malignant or pre-malignant cells they should be removed and sent for analysis.
How Is An Endometrial Polyp Diagnosed?
To be certain of the existence of an endometrial polyp we recommend a diagnostic hysteroscopy and removal, which is called a polypectomy in Scottsdale. These two procedures are often easy to combine into one.
Polypectomy in Scottsdale – What’s Involved?
Polyps and fibroids are removed in the same way. An instrument with a small camera attached is inserted into the uterus and an image is projected onto a monitor. Using this method, we can also introduce an electrode that allows us to remove the polyp by cutting it where it’s attached. The procedure normally takes just 5-10 minutes to perform. Intravenous sedation is administered so the procedure is virtually painless.
What Can I Expect Following the Procedure?
You will probably be observed for an hour following the procedure, and you’ll want to rest most of the day after the procedure. If you’re having a simple polypectomy in Scottsdale with no other procedure you will experience some bright red bleeding for about 4-5 days, followed by a brown discharge for another week until it stops entirely. You may be asked to take 24 to 48 hours off from work depending on your own personal circumstances.
Can Endometrial Polyps Come Back?
The short answer is yes – in approximately 10-15% of cases they recur. For this reason, we sometimes suggest removing the entire lining, which is where polyps originate. This is only offered under very specific circumstances. For women who still wish to maintain their ability to have children, this is never offered as an option.
If you are pre- or post-menopausal and are experiencing abnormal vaginal bleeding, and want to know if a polypectomy in Scottsdale can help you, call our office today to schedule a consultation.