Living with chronic pain is a uniquely unpleasant experience. Your body seems heavy and disobedient, day-to-day activities get harder, and, on top of it all, people tend to underestimate how much chronic pain can actually hurt. Myofascial pain syndrome can be the epitome of all of these problems. Fortunately, this particular condition is not without treatment. One therapy known as trigger point therapy can be of great help in alleviating pain from this syndrome.
Targeting the Trigger Points
Trigger points are at the very heart of what myofascial pain is. They are patches of firmly contracted muscles, which are sometimes also referred to as “knots.” Their causes are somewhat mysterious and seem to encompass a number of things from injuries to poor posture. Trigger points create a sharp pain in the muscles, and when an individual has many of them, they are said to have myofascial pain syndrome.
But regardless of whether or not you have this condition, individual trigger points can be worrying. This is because trigger points can be harmful in three ways. We know they can cause pain, but they can also worsen existing conditions and mimic other pain problems. This means they can often go undiagnosed and untreated.
What Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy Is
Myofascial trigger point therapy is a treatment for chronic pain that targets the muscles and their surrounding tissues. It is a painless treatment which, when carried out by experienced professionals, can be very effective in easing pain.
There are two different ways of carrying out this therapy. The first consists of applying pressure to trigger points with either the hands or another instrument. The second consists of using a vapo-coolant to distract the muscle tissue, and then stretching it.
Both of these techniques can provide quick relief for trigger points, as they put pressure on the muscles and then allow them to soften. However, effectively treating many trigger points and restoring muscles to their health is not an immediate process. It requires several sessions at the hands of an experienced professional.
What It Can Treat
Due to the complex nature of trigger points, trigger point therapy can treat several ailments besides myofascial pain syndrome. Trigger points can cause, worsen, and mimic specific conditions. This means that trigger points can aggravate or be the hidden cause of headaches, neck pains, back pains, and many other ailments. So while trigger point therapy is meant to treat myofascial pain, it can often help with other unexpected conditions too.
Trigger point therapy
will not only help you with myofascial pain. It can help you improve your muscle mobility, flexibility, and strength, while also treating a plethora of other conditions and symptoms. It may be what you are looking for even if you just look to improve your overall wellness and quality of life.