In recent times of the pandemic, it has become very important to keep your homes and surroundings safe from bacteria and viruses. You must have heard terms like “sanitizing” and “disinfecting” quite frequently over the past year. These terms are frequently used interchangeably when it comes to cleaning. Many people use them to mean the same thing, cleaning something to remove harmful microorganisms. However, it is quite a bit different from what they mean. It is a good idea to know what these words mean. You can keep your home clean and safe by understanding the difference between sanitizing and disinfecting.
This article will explain to you all that you need to know. Read on to learn how sanitation, disinfection, and sterilization differ.
What is sanitizing, and what is disinfecting?
Cleaning is a simple word that involves merely the removal of dirt from a place. You can clean a surface and see that the visible impurities are being removed. However, disinfecting, sterilizing, and sanitizing means much more than this. They significantly reduce harmful bacteria if they are not eliminated from commonly used surfaces. When you understand the difference between these terms involving deep cleaning, you can use your different cleaning products effectively and safely.
Sanitization can be achieved by completing two steps, namely, cleaning and disinfecting. When you sanitize something, it involves physically removing germs from surfaces or disinfecting those surfaces. Cleaning removes the dirt from them, whereas disinfecting removes the germs and bacteria. Sanitization is done to lower the number of germs on a surface to a safe level, as determined by public health standards. There is a difference between sanitizing and disinfecting. Disinfecting is a lot more microscopic than sanitization.
In summary, sanitizing would mean either cleaning or disinfecting to bring the number of germs down to a safe level, while disinfecting would mean eliminating as much as 100 percent of germs on objects and surfaces. To do this, chemicals have to be used. Infectious bacteria can be killed by disinfecting, which does not always clean dirty surfaces but helps to reduce the risk of infection.
When is it best to sanitize?
Sanitization should be done on surfaces that do not contact harmful microorganisms like bacteria. Sanitization is also a better option for surfaces that should be cleaned with mild chemicals. If you want to sanitize your children’s toys and the tools used in your kitchen, then avoid using strong chemicals on them. They are better off not coming into contact with them.
Sanitizers: What Are They?
Due to the pandemic, hand sanitizers have become a common object everybody keeps with them. A sanitizer kills harmful germs from the surface that it is used on. The effectiveness of a sanitizer depends on the number of bacteria it reduces on the surface. Most sanitizers claim that they can kill 99.9 percent of germs from the surface that they are used on.
Based on the bleach concentration in the solution, a simple water-bleach solution can be used as a disinfectant or as a sanitizer. Bleach solutions with a higher concentration can be used as disinfectants, while those with a lower concentration will act as sanitizers.
When is it best to disinfect?
When you usually clean your house, you do not think about disinfecting. What you do is called sanitization. Cleaning will not involve disinfecting as often as it involves sanitizing. The term “disinfecting” is not a common practice in normal households. It is usually associated with medical settings and other similar areas because they must be extra safe from bacteria. Medical settings deal with vulnerable people and bodily fluids that can spread various diseases.
You might be wondering how does this affects how you clean your house? The answer is that you should disinfect areas where dangerous bacteria can reside, such as the toilets and sinks in your bathrooms. They are used by multiple people and can spread diseases. They must be cleaned regularly. In addition, you should disinfect other areas that many people touch, like doorknobs and taps. If you limit disinfection to these areas of your home, you should be alright. However, it is also essential to remember that even though keeping our surroundings clean is a good thing, too much disinfectant can harm your health and the environment.
Disinfectants: What Are They?
Disinfectants are chemicals used to clean bacteria and germs’ surfaces to prevent diseases. They are usually very strong and are used in hospitals and other medical locations. Disinfectants are different from sanitizers since they are much stronger. Disinfectants are supposed to kill 99.999 percent of harmful microorganisms, while sanitizers must kill 99.9 percent of germs. It might seem like a small difference to you, but it can significantly reduce infection spread and prevent many diseases.
Can Bleach be used as a disinfectant or a sanitizer?
Depending on the concentration of the bleach solution, bleach can also be used as a sanitizer or a disinfectant. Bacteria, fungi, and viruses are all killed by sodium hypochlorite, the active ingredient in bleach. Just make sure you dilute the bleach enough, and you can use it as a sanitizer. It is fairly easy to use and can be a useful cleaning agent. Remember, bleach should be diluted according to the package instructions. Also, bleach should never be mixed with other cleaning agents like ammonia.
Is Sterilization different from Sanitizing and Disinfecting?
A usual person does not need to sterilize their home. Sterilization is a different concept. During sterilization, all forms of microorganisms are destroyed or eliminated. The process of sterilization kills all microbial life. These procedures are usually done at healthcare facilities using chemical methods, like gases and liquid chemicals. Surgical or laboratory environments, as well as certain environments like hospitals, require these types of decontamination.
Disinfection and sanitizing are two different methods of cleaning surfaces. They both involve eliminating harmful microorganisms and killing them, but disinfection is more effective than sanitization since it uses stronger chemicals. You can sanitize your home completely, but disinfection should be done for some commonly used areas only. Cleaning your home is a very good practice that everybody should adopt. It helps keep diseases at bay and protects you and your family.